Sara's "Lifestyle Change" progression...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

08/12/2012 @ 08:12pm (EST)

Two weeks since my last update…
Well…Long story short, the week before the Dublin Irish Music Festival went okay (from what I can remember that far back) and we did skip that Saturday’s workout (Sculpt 1-2) because we spent about 5 hours Friday walking and sweating.
We went to the Columbus Zoo and it was about 104 degrees with the humidity and finally I just gave up – Couldn’t take it any more because I was tired and exhausted and we still had the Irish Fest the next day. 
The Irish fest was pretty much the same thing – Hot weather, sweating and walking a lot.
Because of this, I thought I’d be okay with the food I was eating.  We packed a lot of healthy snacks, but I didn’t eat many of them – I ate what I wanted and I paid for it…
When we came back home, I had gone up from 339.2 to almost 348 pounds.  I was devastated.  I thought it was just water weight or a fluke in the scale, but I weighed myself the next day and it was the same thing.
That instantly just broke my spirit.
On top of it all, I’ve had some personal things going on with me this week – I had found a lump on my breast that the doctor was really nervous about and had a week of doctor’s appointments the week before last week and a scheduled biopsy this past week.  That put a huge damper in my motivation as well.
Turns out everything is okay (at least for now) – Surgeon wasn’t even worried about the lump but I do have a follow-up appointment with him in two more weeks to see what it’s done, (grown, stayed the same, shrunk, etc) and then we’ll go from there.
Last night I had a big old talk with Jeff about what the point was – I wasn’t good during the Irish Festival by any means, but I didn’t go absolutely crazy.  I’m still upset too that I’m not losing as quickly and I was having a hard time seeing what the point was.
Then earlier today, I read about my friend Paul – Paul has lost a huge amount of weight lately, without surgeries, and he is truly an inspiration.  (See next post for his story).
Between that, Jeff, and my German stubbornness, I am determined to not give up.
I got back on the scale just a few minutes ago, am down from almost 348 this week to 342.6.  While that means I am still up 3.4 pounds from last time, that’s okay.  We start “The Biggest Loser” competition at work and I will not let this deter me from winning.

Until next time!  :)