Sara's "Lifestyle Change" progression...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

06/26/2012 @ 08:51pm (EST)

One full week done!
I managed to do all my Power 90 workouts, stick with my diet for another weekend, and lost 7.2 pounds!!!
Jeff (the boyfriend) is also down just over seven pounds!  We’re both pretty happy!
Now all that said, I really have to learn to put the Weight Watchers ice cream bars down…My favorite are the latte ones and they are only just above 1 point each, but I need to not eat three of them in one night.  Le sigh.
Jeff has even joined me on a couple of workouts recently and the workouts have been pretty good…Until tonight.
I’m still skipping sections of the “Sculpt” DVD where they do the dips, lunges, all that, but today on the “Sweat” DVD, I was just too tired and skipped the last round of legs, all of arms, cool down, stretch, and just went right to the “Ab Ripper”.  No excuses…Got lazy.  Will do better tomorrow and not get upset with myself.
Still have a couple of things I’m worried about coming up: Good friends are coming over this weekend and we are taking them to the local smokehouse restaurant…There are healthy options (I’m thinking steak and steamed veggies), but I just don’t want those.  There is so much good, fried food there and who wants veggies when you can deep fried pickles?  Not me.  But I’ll probably be pretty good…For the most part.
The other things I’m worried about are the Irish Music Festivals.  I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to still write down everything I eat, but I’m not going to panic if I don’t stay within my points…In fact, I doubt if I will be able to stay within them.
Jeff and I are going to pack a lot of healthy snacks, meal bars, all that, but still plan on having tasty adult beverages (probably two of the three nights) and some good old Irish stew, potato soup, and my once-per-year (for the last eight years) treat: One (1) deep-fried Twinkie.
Goal?  To not screw up everything I have been working on and to eat only when hungry, not when bored.
So I suppose I’ll end this entry here…Just had to get some thoughts out about some upcoming events…
(BTW: I don’t know if I posted it or not, but I DID manage to resist the treats at the company BBQ – I brought my healthy lunch, gave the left over ice cream pudding away, and didn’t cheat AT ALL.  Not even ONE LITTLE BIT).  :D

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

06/20/2012 @ 09:22am (EST)

I stand at only 5’5” and as of June 13, 2012 weigh 362.6 pounds (that's actually down from about 370).  I wear a 5x or 6x shirt (depending on brand) and wear between a 30/32 and 32/34 pant (depending on brand). 
I’ll post a picture here eventually, and maybe even share my charts and such, but not yet.  :)
I’ve been dieting now since June 11, 2012.  I’m following a loose version of Weight Watchers – Using their old points system.  I started the Power 90 workout routing on June 18, 2011 so we’ll see how that goes.
I keep a journal of everything I eat as well as a calendar on when I work out and a chart on how my weight and estimated BMI is changing.  It’s going to be hard to just make sure to keep off the scale except for once a week…Stupid scale.
I decided to start this blog just as a personal journal as to how my exercise and dieting is going and to write down my thoughts here.
Overall, I’m fairly happy.  Things took a little turn for the worse when I went to my boyfriends brother’s wedding, but I didn’t go over my points…I just used all of the bonus ones.  I am a bit nervous about our company BBQ but I’m thinking I’ll probably just bring a lunch still.  I’m more worried about the fact that I offered to make ice cream pudding and I know how bad it is.  I did manage to resist doughnuts, but ice cream pudding?  Oh dear……………..  :)
The first two days were no good.  I worked a lot of hours (11 hours at work, then came home to work about 4 more hours) so I really slacked and skipped a lot.  My heart just wasn’t in it.  Today, I did fantastic though!  I really gave it my all and got a really good workout.
Where I’m struggling:
Sculpt 1-2: I can’t do lunges or squats.  My legs just can’t take it.  I also can’t do a regular pushup – I have to do them against the wall. I’ll try to add later how far away from the wall and all that, but my goal is to be able to do them on my own by the end of the program.
Sweat 1-2: I can not do Power Yoga.  I can’t keep up, I get out of breath too easily, and for now, have just decided to give up that part until I’m a bit more in shape.  The Ab Ripper part also takes me about 15 minutes (from past history), but I do them all.
Warmups: In both warmups, I just can’t hold my weight on some of the stretches – Runners pose for instance.  I have to use the couch.  I can’t even put my one hand behind my head and grab that elbow with the free hand – It cuts off my airflow.  I’ll get there, but this will give me a reminder of where I started.
I decided to start this blog just as a personal journal as to how my exercise and dieting is going…
I was very upset that after a week of dieting, I had only lost 1/5 of a pound.  That was it.  I was devastated, but I hadn’t been working out so I decided not to get too hard on myself.  I need to remember that it takes time and not to be upset if next week I don’t lose weight either.  It’s a long-term process and it won’t happen overnight.
Short term: Finish the 90 day Power 90 routing, get down to 300 pounds, be able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting completely winded.
Long term: Be down to 200 pounds so I can go skydiving, wear shorts, go to an amusement park and actually ride the rides.
Overall I’m proud of myself – I’ve lasted longer than I have in previous times so that’s something at least.
I suppose that’s all for now…Until the next update!