Sara's "Lifestyle Change" progression...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

08/01/2013 @ 09:37am (PDT)

Sooooooooooooooo…I suck at keeping this blog updated. I’ve been putting most of my thoughts onto MyFitnessPal – I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would.
Anyway…Some thoughts from today:
Had a doctor’s appointment Tuesday and while I’m still waiting on some blood work results, for only the third time since my asthma onset in October 2010, my BP is at a NORMAL, HEALTHY range!!!
I contribute this to a couple of things:
1. The fact that I no longer smoke – I had smoked on and off for years and I quit for the last time in October 2010 (about three weeks before my hospital stay). I was starting to get a deep chest cold that would eventually turn into a very bad bout of pneumonia and land me in the hospital for four days. I WILL have a cigar oncein a GREAT while, but I’m talking maybe 3-5 times per year.
2. Diet and exercise. Although I have been struggling with exercise and I have been going a bit overboard on cheat days and turning them into cheat “weekends”, I have a feeling what I have done has helped.
3. JUICE! During the week I have a juice for breakfast and a juice for lunch. PER DAY, this juice has 5 cups of spinach, 1 cup of kale, 1-2 large cucumbers, 3 large carrots, 2 apples, and a lemon. I’m not a big veggie person and this helps me get my veggies in – Besides…It’s filling and I LIKE it!!!!
4. Clean(er) eating. I realize you don’t HAVE to eat clean to lose weight or to be healthy, but for me, it makes me feel better knowing I’m not adding quite as many chemicals into my body. No…We don’t buy everything grass-fed and organic like we’re supposed to in order to be completely clean, but we do a lot better than we used to. I still love my BBQ straws and cheese sticks for snacks, my Lean Cuisine Panini for dinner, but we’re trying harder to stay away from so much processed food.