Sara's "Lifestyle Change" progression...

Friday, May 31, 2013

05/31/2013 @ 11:44am (PDT)

Alright, alright…I know I said I was going to be better about posting, but really, did you ACTUALLY expect me to stick with that?  :)
A lot has happened in the last month, but really?  There’s too much to go into ALL the details, so how about I just go with the highlights:
--I’ve started using to track everything I eat, exercises, water intake, and overall thoughts for the day.  I don’t have many friends on there, but that’s okay.
--05/03/2013: I was down almost 4 pounds from the previous week.
--05/07/2013: I was up almost a pound and a half from the previous week.
--05/13/2013: I was down almost four pounds from the previous week.
--05/20/2013: I was up almost two pounds from the previous week.
--05/27/2013: I was up almost a pound from the previous week.
I’ve struggled…Badly.
The whole “Power 90” thing did NOT work out – I just can’t get motivated to do it again, not at the moment.  So the week of the 20th I decided I was going to work out on the treadmill again, doing at LEAST a half a mile to start.  I managed to work out two and a half days – I only did a quarter mile on the “half” day.
I started to be better, but then Memorial Day weekend happened.
We cheated.  We cheated BAD.  We went out to eat three times in four days – NONE of it even resembling healthy: Five Guys, Chinese food, and The Rock Woodfire Pizza.  The one day we didn’t go out to eat, I probably ate my weight in cookie dough.  I’m honestly surprised I was only up a pound when I weighed in on the 27th but since I weighed myself in the morning, it didn’t take into account the “cheat” from later that day.
To top it all off, my exercise was non-existent this week.  It won’t be any surprise if I gained more weight this week.
My goal (again) is to get my butt on the treadmill this week.  My friends from Chicago will be here in about five weeks and I am NOWHERE near healthy enough to walk around downtown Seattle with them – Not only because they walk fast, but because of allergies and lack of exercise, my asthma has been HORRIBLE lately.  I can’t be outside for too long without using my emergency inhaler several times – I have trouble even going to Walmart it’s been so bad.
I think if I stick to a half a mile five times a day for the first week, I’ll see some good improvement.  Even the half mile two and a half days last week I saw improvement.  I just need to do it.
This week has also had a lot of experiementation – We FINALLY got our new Omega juicer!  The first juice was NO good – It was barely drinkable and tasted like grass.  It was probably VERY low cal, but we hated it.  The second juice was drinkable but not fantastic – iT was probably too high in calories because of all the fruit.
The juice I had yesterday was WONDERFUL.  I ended up drinking it for breakfast AND lunch and it’s a good thing too: There were FIVE apples in that bad boy.  Apples are pretty high in sugar and calories and I estimate that juice was about 500-600 calories.  There was a lot of spinach/kale in it, cucumber, ginger, and lemon, but FAR too many apples. 
Today, Jeff managed to tweak the recipe even more – It was essentially the same juice but he took away three of the apples and put an additional cucumber and more spinach in its place.  It wasn’t nearly as good as yesterdays, but it’s really good and refreshing.  Again, I’m drinking it for breakfast and lunch – It’s surprisingly filling.
Being the creature of habit that I am, I MAY try to drink it for breakfast and lunch EVERY day and then have a healthy dinner.  I still eat “snacks” – My snack yesterday was grapes, today it was a fat free pudding.  If I get TOO hungry, I also have 100-cal popcorn bags at the office.
I think I’m on a really good track overall (especially since my juice is no longer 1/3 of the calories I’m consuming in a day)!  I just need to get on the treadmill and KEEP getting on the treadmill.
Our anniversary is in a week and we’ll have a “cheat” weekend then – I NEED to behave until then. 
Oooh!  Something I forgot to mention – Our second attempt at quinoa was a SUCCESS!  We are going to try to incorporate that instead of white rice to our dinner from now on.  I’ve also started to look up “clean” eating recipes – I’m not quite ready to take the plunge on that yet considering I LOVE my packaged BBQ straws, pudding, and Lean Cuisines, but eat cleanER?  That might be a possibility.  :)
I think that’s about it.  I’ll try to update sometime next week.  :)

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